The heart is sacred. Gaia’s lands and waters and plants and creatures are sacred. We are sacred. All existence on all dimensions shares a connection with the sacred, vital life of Mother Earth, of Gaia. This truth is deeply embedded in our hearts.
The heart has many levels. It is, of course, a crucial physical organ that pumps blood around our body. On the spiritual level, the heart chakra, typically considered to be green, is our energetic center; it harmonizes and anchors our non-material essence as a dynamic, vibrating network of light. And at the very deepest level, the heart is the essential Source and expression of who we are. It is our flame of being, housing our originating spirit.
Thus, our hearts aren’t just useful for being nice and getting along with people. Of course our hearts prompt us to be kind and loving, to be “open-hearted.” But this is much deeper than an often sadly-disregarded human value; it is our heart’s basic nature. The heart, being attuned with Gaia, both feels and emanates Gaia’s own nature as inclusive, prolific and generous. Gaia’s liberation and salvation depend on humans getting into our true hearts, our Green Hearts—and our salvation depends on this too.
None of us can be happy or complete if we believe that we are separate from Nature—because this makes us separate from our heart, the physical and spiritual organ that powers our sense of who we deeply are. We must know and inhabit our authentic self in order to feel connected and fulfilled. For the last few thousand years, the human-centered world has been increasingly devoted to keeping us out of our authentic, essential self—and this has been very successful, or humans would have, long ago, seen through the delusion that we are separate from and more important than anything else.
I received this short, poignant message while walking in a wild rocky canyon a few weeks ago:
“All true, real love is 2-way. It takes place within a field of mutuality. This is true even of love in Nature, though most humans don’t know how to feel or hear Nature saying, “I love you.” Actually, it’s effortless for Her to do so, as she is wild and sovereign and completely herself in every moment. She is a both a window and a mirror for those who can see.
“Everything in Nature is occupied solely with being itself. And genuine love can be felt and exchanged only by ones being in their full self. (Otherwise it’s something else, like infatuation or desperation.) So when humans succeed in being in their true, whole selves in Nature, they organically enter a state, a field of love—Green Love.”
Beyond being merely an emotion, Love is fundamentally a force—the Green Force contained in and generated by Mother Gaia. This force powers our complex, ever-renewing physical and spiritual reality. In its trajectory, all beings—human and nonhuman, material and spiritual—fully inhabit and act from their deepest selves.
Gaia’s green force of Love is sacred. We could even say it is a sacrament, persistently moving each being toward complete, authentic self-expression: each human, each spider, each streamside grove of willows, each breath of wind, each bear and lizard.
All of us, right now, can attune with our Sacred Green Heart and mediate balancing, healing vibrations to our Earth and all Her inhabitants, including ourselves and all humanity. Through this simple, ongoing act of tuning into Gaia’s Green Love, we create a fertile field the emanates from our hearts—a field where we can plant good seeds for a harmonious future on our precious, beautiful, resilient planet.